Category Archives: ASSIGNMENT 2


 For this assignment I chose some apples, a grapefruit, a mug and a knife which I placed on the corner of the table with a sofa and pillows in the background. I chose this composition as I wanted the something in the background. I did a few drawing first in my sketchbook and then I did a quick colour study on A3 after which I did another three tries followed by the final piece. I used 140Ib grain fin cold pressed NOT Daler Rowney A3 watercolour paper. While doing these pieces I had a problem with transparency so I needed to dampen some parts of the paper to fade the paint and in some cases I removed some paint using a sponge, I had a problem with this as I started with the lightest colours but as I like brighter and more vibrant colours I went to them too quickly. As this was not working I decided to be more spontaneous. My preparation works are quite dark, I used the same pallet of colours for the first three apples, then a different one for the remaining, a different pallet for the grapefruit and mug but at the same time I wanted to unite all the objects with colours that went together. I always tried to do the darkest colours using several layers but sometimes I mixed in another colour before adding another layer as I was not able to get the desired effect using just one colour but had to mix similar colours in with it this helped me achieve the feeling of space. When I applied each layers I still wanted to see the colour from the previous layer.

  I think all my work was done with a similar mistake which is using too much paint but I wanted the fruit to be bright. I do not see transparency in my work and I started analysing where I had gone wrong. I worked mostly at night where everything was in a dim light and the table which the fruits were was also dark and the fruit appeared really bright. I was also very concentrated on the background which to me was important. After I had analysed everything I decided I will change the composition with a light background and the colours appeared differently and I was able to paint the fruit without using too many layers. 

This is my final piece.



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colour study


preparation works

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