Category Archives: Assignment PRACTICE OF PAINTING 3



For this assignment I chose to do a self portrait and started to do simple outline sketches of my face. The whole assignment was a continuation of the previous exercise. I know my face and tried to investigate more deeply and show some different kind of emotion and use different kind of expression and find some different tonal valuation of my face. After the exercise with the self portrait I did in acrylic I came back to oil paint my self portrait in very monochromatic palettes. In this portrait  I used experimental brush marks and I tried to build an old picture mixing a colour mostly on the canvas. It was a very good experience for me because I feel like not only did I paint my portrait but feel like carving my face in the clay. I was not happy with this painting but I decided to leave it like it is without any more work to it because after a few days the paint starts to dry and all that technique / effect will disappear because I can only add another layer on top and not achieve any new colour mixing with the old one. It wasn’t good but in that work is something which I can build up later on.


After I decided to do more conventional way and I did final piece on oil on canvas about 60cm x 80cm. This time I mixed some colours on the palette and sometimes I let the colours mix on the canvas. I always had a problem when I looked at my face in the mirror as I have grey hair and beard and the form of my face seems to take a different older character. At the same time when I look in the mirror I look into my eyes and sometimes I see a different person. In the end that person looks more older and it looks like a liturgical image. Maybe it’s because  I always like looking at that kind of iconographic painting with great interest.

DSC_0199  DSC_0201

Final piece oil on canvas 60cm x80cm